

I am often asked where I get my inspiration.  It is true I love to put colours and textures together.

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Where do I get my inspiration? ….Nature teaches me more than any book


Orchids of Kuala Lumpur

Mission One Accomplished


We decided to change our travel plans.It makes more sense rather than  travel from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore for the day, I take advantage of our stop over.  So, after arriving in Singapore at 2.00am, David and I hang about, a bit like Tom Hanks in the Terminal before David takes off to KL and I hang around the terminal a bit more trying to keep my eyes open. The trip  on the MRT (train) during peak hour is good training for the squishy rides I am sure we will encounter in India.

Knowing the reliably good silk shop in Little Arab Street won’t open until 10.00am, I have more hours to fill.  Where else would one go but to the Raffles Hotel. Not to drink – too early , but cruise about and enjoy the beautiful architecture, the tropical gardens and the exclusive shops. I love the warmth and humidity of the tropics, and today I have both in bucket loads.

Next stop Chinatown. My senses take in the beauty of the preserved shopfronts, temples and market stalls as they slowly begin to wake up. I  lose myself in little shops selling antique furnishings, household goods and trinkets.  The tuneful twitter of delicate birds in decorative cages hanging from the ceiling and the smell of steaming chicken remind me I am thousands of miles from home. I like it.

Navigating through the narrow back lanes of the Islamic community near Little Arab Street it takes all my strength not to stop and explore the many little stalls and cafes selling fabulously aromatic food.  I am on a mission to buy silk at a reasonable price.  I know it will be cheaper in India and I will hopefully add to my collection there.  But I know where I am going, I know how much it will cost and I can post it home from KL.

They welcome me like a regular customer and leave me to choose from the hundred or so colours, I want them all. Can’t. I imagine each colour  finished as a scarf. I imagine the colours on different people I know and can’t wait to wear one in  bronze and another in dark, dark emerald green.  The charcoal will look fabulous and the ink perfect for those who can wear navy, but this will be better. I buy a few other fabrics for an idea I am busy percolating in my brain – think a cross between a scarf and necklace.

They had great linen too.  Today I had to be satisfied just touching it…next time!


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The colour and texture of my day……..  
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My Creative Space



I am quite excited as I prepare my first batch of scarves to be sold at a winery in the Margaret River region.

I tried to create something different for the packaging of this special delivery.  I think it is OK.





Exploring India


Soon I will be off to India, to look, learn and be stimulated by a diverse culture.

If you would like to order anything before I leave my last day of production will be 15 July.

Made on the Left Market


I’m looking forward to another market tomorrow.  The venue is 140 William Street next door to the Murray Street Mall train station entry.  I hope it doesn’t rain. 


I have been busy finalising my creations.


Berets and more berets…..

Rescued and Renovated Jackets

Velvet brooches..

My Creative Space


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Travelling through Europe and Morocco I collected fabrics and braids which I am turning into bags.

I often think about the story of things and was happy when, on purchasing this bag for a friend a loyal customer was just as interested in the fact the fabric came from a small Tuscan market and the braid I found in the souks of Marrakesh.

Am I the only one that looks at things and wonders who made it, where were they and what is their life like?
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Made on the left market


Well there won’t be any resting for me as I prepare for the Made on the Left market. 

This is another new adventure for Lulu Tissu.  I met many new people at the Upmarket and I again look forward to meeting more new people .  I really enjoyed the experience but would have been lost without the assistance of Deidre an experienced market goer,  She just knew what to do, it was great.