Happy New Year



As the sun sets over the Indian Ocean on the final days of the year it is the perfect time to reflect on all the wonderful things I was offered during 2011.

And there is so much to be grateful for….

my family and friends

my health

the clean safe environment I live in

all the people who came into my life for a short time and for a long time

the opportunities presented to expand my business

to everyone who visited my site

May 2012 be the most wonderful year for all….

Thanks a million

Thank you to everyone who visited my Open Studio in the last two Saturdays.  It was simply pleasurable to sip tea, nibble biscuits, chat, laugh, try things on and share stories.

Oh and agree to be photographed too.  And what beautiful friends I have.  It was also a joy to make new friends.  It really is the best part of this adventure.

Sophie’s t-shirt matched her new headband perfectly.  She looked a picture in the grape linen beret.
Margaret…beautiful inside and out.  Wow!!!   Keep rocking.
A very enthusiastic response from a new friend …thanks

It’s beginning to look a lot like Xmas


Open Studio

By request I am opening my studio at 37 Halls Head Parade Mandurah on Saturday 10th and Saturday 17th December from 9.00 – 4.00pm. This is a great opportunity to pick up a  unique gift for family, friends or yourself. It is also an opportunity just to pop in and say hello and share a coffee or cool drink before Xmas. 

I have added lots of new things to my range including linen sun hats, linen and silk necklaces, linen skirts and silk obi belts.  The sculptured skirts look stunning and would be for perfect New Years Eve.

Hot off the sewing machine …Linen summer berets.

If you can’t make it but would like to purchase something you could visit my Etsy shop http://www.etsy.com/shop/lulutissu  or email me and we can discuss what you would like to buy and how we can make that happen.

If I don’t see you a very merry Xmas and thankyou for all your support during the year.

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