Mosaic Wrap Skirt
Aubergine and black dupion silk wrap around skirt.The back of the skirt is  black.

There is a button on the inside waist that can be moved to adjust the sizing.  The outside wrap is secured with an antique brass pin.

Price: $150
P1080302 Envelope skirt skirt
Black wool pin stripe on one side and bronze silk on the other side.  This skirt can be worn 4 different ways.

The silk will soften in texture on laundering.

P1080300Mosaic Wrap Skirt
Red and black Chinese  silk wrap around skirt.The back of the skirt is  black.

There is a button on the inside waist that can be moved to adjust the sizing.  The outside wrap is secured with an antique brass pin.

Price: $150
P1080301Mosaic Wrap Skirt
Silver grey and black dupion silk wrap around skirt.The back of the skirt is  black.

There is a bottom on the inside waist that can be moved to adjust the sizing.  The outside wrap is secured with an antique brass pin.

Price: $150


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