Where you will find Lulu Tissu


Thank you for visiting my blog.  If you wish to keep informed about what I am doing or where you can find me all you need to do is either email me via the blog or you can also email subscribe which means each time I post on my blog you will receive an email copy.  You can also be join the site by clicking on the link on the lower right hand side of the page. I intend to promote up coming events and any creative endeavours I am aware of.

You can also join lulu tissu on  Facebook

I will also be posting the opportunity to have free give aways and VIP invitations to pre-event open studio,so you can have first pick of any items I have made.  I also hope  to get my site set up so purchasing on line is easier.

So what have I been up to since the closure of Acseller8.  Firstly, I took a much needed break with absolutely no sewing at all.  It felt strange.  It has been a challenge to get back into it.  But I can confirm yesterday I started to create again.  I have designed a velvet version of my headbands which I am liking and will post pictures of these as soon as I am happy with the final design and I can find a volunteer model.

Hopefully you will be able to find me at this years Stretch Festival ( first weekend in May).  Which is just perfect timing for buying something for Mother’s Day which is the following Sunday.

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