Drift Art Market

It is busy but exciting time of the year. This weekend the Stretch Festival will be a major event. As part of that event I will have a stall at the Drift Art Market all day Saturday and Sunday. So if its a gift for Mother's Day your looking for or a present for a friend or best of all a gift to your self. This is the place to find something unique.

If you are on Face Book go to my page and if you like my  post about the Drift Art Market and share the post with your friends I am offering you a chance to win a pair of Lulu Tissu earrings. You can choose the colour. The winner will be randomly selected on 5th May 2014. If you also purchase something from my stall at the festival you can enter twice. Must be from Western Australia to be eligible for this one. I plan to make this a regular offer so if you don't already perhaps you would like to join my Facebook page. 
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Stretch Festival Art Trail

It was a great evening at Terrace Art Framers last night where we hosted a Meet the Artist soiree.  Thank you to everyone for your support.

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Stretch Art Trail

I have thrown my hat in the ring so to speak....again and will be part of the Stretch Art Trail launched this Sunday.  It is a great event that supports local artists and local businesses at the same time.  I am lucky to have my work showcased at Terrace Art Framers in the Smart Street Mall along with Jean and June Pastore and Emma Blyth.  You can walk the Art Trail from this Sunday.  Maps are available in Terrace Art Framers.

To celebrate we are holding a meet the artist event on Thursday 24 April and guess what you're invited.  Below is the invitation we are serving light refreshments and would love you to come and share in this event. 

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Sneak Peek


I stitch everywhere – Rottnest Island

Only 20 kilometers off the coast of Western Australia is idyllic Rottnest Island.  With clear waters, beautiful landscape and interesting history it made the perfect spot to enjoy a week of Autumn sunshine.
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Smart Street Parties

I am busy preparing for the Smart Street Party this Friday 4th April from 5.00 pm. As the weather turns cooler I am adding to my stash of silk scarves. I like to think I have all colour preferences covered. Here are some I have worked on today.
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Bird image by Design seed.